Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2021

去年对于国际展览行业来说是非常艰难的一年。如今春 暖花开,Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG 很高兴地宣布将参加 4 月 13 日至 16 日在中国深圳举办的 Chinaplas 国际 橡塑展。欢迎塑料行业的专家们届时莅临 10D03 号展 位参观指导。世界不停在变化,但Mahlo 系统的初心未 改,我们始终致力于帮助塑料行业提高生产效率和产品 质量。 After a difficult year for the international trade fair world, Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG at booth 10D03 is especial- ly pleased to meet experts of the plastics industry in person at the Chinaplas trade fair that takes place from April 13 to 16 in Shenzen. Even though a lot has changed in recent months – what remains the same is that Mahlo systems help to make plastics production even more effective and of higher quality. 在 Chinaplas 展会上,Mahlo 将在 号展位重点展示扫描 式质量检测系统Qualiscan QMS。该模块化系统由一组传感 器和一个检测框架构成,适用于测量、记录和控制多种关键 参数,例如整个被测产品幅宽的克重、水份或层厚。该系统 有望显著提高生产设施的能源效率、优化原材料利用率,并 改善生产可持续性。 Mahlo 中国首席代表费维强解释道:“橡塑产品的需求不 断增加,给制造商带来了重大挑战。”但是,在快速制造大量 产品的同时,我们必须注意节约资源。“当然,还必须保证生 产利润。”如果能够实现层厚等关键参数的自动控制和调节, 那么我们就可以生产出始终如一的优质产品,彻底消除由于 指定的目标值不正确而不得不销毁整批产品的风险。另外, 如果能够保证只使用真正所需数量的原材料,那我们就可以 杜绝材料浪费。 Mahlo 届时将在展位上展示全面的传感器组合,让参展 者领略到“德国制造”的最新技术发展。从 β 射线到 X 射线, 从红外光干扰到白光干扰,我们的系统能够在各种应用中实 现精确测量。“我们很乐意在 Chinaplas 上向所有参展者详细 介绍该系统,帮助塑料加工行业解决各种迫在眉睫的问题和 挑战。” A t Chinaplas, the focus at the Mahlo booth will be on the traversing quality measuring system Qualiscan QMS. The modularly designed system, which consists of sensors and mea- suring frames, measures, logs and controls critical parameters such as basis weight, moisture or layer thickness across the en- tire fabric width. This makes it possible to drastically increase 48 2021中国国际橡塑展 – Chinaplas 2021 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2021 为塑料生产提供质量保证 Garant for Quality in Plastic Production the energy efficiency of production facilities, optimize the use of raw materials and produce more sustainably. "Manufacturers are faced with the challenge that the demand for plastic fabric products is constantly increasing," explains Frank Fei, Mahlo's China representative. However, the products should not only be manufactured quickly and in large quanti- ties, but also in a way that conserves resources. "And of course, manufacturing still has to be profitable." If important para- meters such as layer thickness are automatically controlled and regulated, this results in consistently high quality on the one hand. There is no risk of having to destroy entire batches be- cause the specified target values are not correct. On the other hand, no unnecessary material is wasted if only the amount of raw material that is really needed is used. At the Mahlo booth, visitors can get to know the latest deve- lopments "made in Germany" from the comprehensive sensor portfolio. The right measurement for every application, from beta to X-ray to infrared and white light interference. "With our systems, which we are happy to explain in more detail to the Chinaplas audience, we want to provide answers to pres- sing questions and challenges for the world of plastics proces- sing." ➠ Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG Donaustr. 12, 93342 Saal/Donau, Germany www.mahlo.com Qualiscan QMS配备两个横移传感器 (© 2021 Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG) Qualiscan QMS with two traversing sensors (Copyright © 2021 Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG)