Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2021

47 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2021 一个展示Doteco公司的机会。 Doteco位于意大利米兰多拉市 的摩德纳(Mirandola,Modena),是塑料薄膜(食品和非 食品包装)和合成纤维行业计量技术的全球领导者之一。 该 公司于2020年10月被百旺集团收购。Doteco在展会上展出的 是Blendo Adroit,这是一种失重式称重计量和混料装置,专 用于那些需要非常低的添加量和百分比,同时又要求高精密 度和准确度的场合。 在国际橡塑展上还会展出Grado Adroit,这是一种称重式批次混料机,具有完全模块化的配 置,即使这些需求随时间变化也可以满足客户的生产需求; Protune Breeze是一种高性能双唇自动风环,用于吹膜设 备,可最大程度地提升膜泡的冷却效率,并最大程度发挥鼓 风机的效率,同时,对减小厚度偏差的作用也得到了验证。 P iovan will showcase Handlink+, the manual coupling station now enhanced with a new RFID (Radio Frequency Identifica- tion) tagging system, which allows to check if the match bet- ween sources and destinations is correct. With focus on dosing technologies, on display Quantum Q12, the gravimetric batch blender and Exacta, the gravimetric micro-dosing unit to dose even one single granule. Penta, the Piovan Group company that designs and produces large-scale systems for the storage and handling of raw materi- als in powdered form, will also be present showing its systems for the compounding sector. Visitors will also have the opportu- nity to see Vakupulse, the system for conveying of materials in the dense phase, which is particularly suitable for conveying de- licate raw materials at low speeds and flow rates over short dis- tances. A dedicated corner will be for the new range of instruments of analysis for utmost production monitoring, by providing real time analysis of parameters content in the PET preforms. This range includes Moisture Minder and Inspecta, the instrument of analysis available in two versions for Acetaldehyde or Ben- zene and able to analyse sheet, bottles and granules. In addi- tion, there will be on display also MobileDewP, the new port- ➠ PIOVAN S.p.A. Via delle Industrie 16 – 30036 S. Maria di Sala VE – Italy www.piovan.com Smart Factory Vakupulse able sensor for measuring DewPoint of the process air in the drying systems. All visitors will be able to experience the live demo of Winfactory 4.0, the digital supervision software designed for the Smart Factory with the aim to increase plants' productivity and optimise prod- uct quality. High-efficiency industrial cooling solu- tions will also be on display under the Aquatech brand. Aquatech will exhibit DigitempEvo, the line of thermorefrige- rators which guarantees high perfor- mance with very low energy consumption and the full range of Easytherm temperature control units. The Chinaplas 2021 edition will for Piovan Group, be the op- portunity to present Doteco, the company based in Mirandola, Modena, Italy. Doteco is one of the world leaders in dosing technologies for plastic films (for food and non-food packag- ing) and synthetic fibers. The company was acquired by Piovan Group in October 2020. From Doteco, on display is Blendo Adroit, the loss-in-weight gravimetric blender dedicated to all those applications where accuracy and precision at very low throughputs and percentages are essential requirements. At Chinaplas also is Grado Adroit, the gravimetric batch blender with a fully modular configu- ration to adapt to the customer manufactur- ing needs even if these change over time and Protune Breeze, the high performance dual- lip automatic air ring for blow film applica- tions to maximize the bubble cooling rate and utilize maximum blow- er efficiency with prov- en gauge deviation re- duction.