KraussMaffei Berstorff
www.kraussmaffeiberstorff.com www.kraussmaffeiberstorff.com/oeeplusThe KMD 63 K/R conical twin-screw extruder from the Performance series –
introduced to the market at the Chinaplas show for the first time
potential purchasers the option to pay a
visit to the company Weiyi that has its lo-
cation in Guangzhou and has several
CONVERTEX plants in operation.
"The need for new innovative quality
forms for special fields of application is
increasing and with their developments,
Windmöller & Hölscher takes these into
account", said Michael Fischer, CEO
W&H Asia Pacific. This applies for, e.g.,
the production of breathable diaper film.
With the 3-layer system VAREX II with In-
line-MDO stretching unit, W&H offers a
machine configuration for the producti-
At this years CHINAPLAS Windmöller
& Hölscher presented innovations in the
field of film production as well as innova-
tive sack concepts such as e.g. the film
sack AD proFilm MP, that is characterized
by a particularly high moisture protecti-
on. The blown film extrusion line
OPTIMEX for the production of film for
further processing on the AD PLASTIC 2
for the newly developed AD proFilm MP-
Sack mentioned above was also in the
focus. W&H demonstrated also compe-
tence in the field of manufacturing and
processing plastic fabric. W&H offered
Innovations at the CHINAPLAS 2017
on of a particularly thin breathable dia-
per back sheet film of only 12 g/m² – a
product that is predominantly produced
in cast film extrusion and with a higher
basis weight. Andreas Hoppe, customer
service consultant for extrusion systems
is convinced that "There is a clear trend
toward blown film. Blown films will re-
Outstanding film
quality with
Production of
first-class films
with attractive
investment costs
Extrusion 5/2017
from a process technology standpoint.
The C6 control system with its many mo-
nitoring and control functions is the key
to an optimal production process.
"We consistently pursue high quality
standards in terms of a comprehensive
cost-effective production approach for
the Chinese market," Fan stresses. "In
our Performance series we rely on high
machine quality and German expertise,
but the product is specifically tailored to
Chinese needs. We source the perfor-
mance-determining components of the
machine from our main plant in Germa-
ny, while the finalization, installation and
commissioning takes place in Haiyan.
This allows us to offer our customers the
highest quality for the usual Chinese for-
mulations and market requirements,"
says Fan.
The molybdenum-welded screws and
the deep-nitrided cylinder provides a
high and effective wear-resistance in the
cost-effective processing of a wide varie-
ty of PVC pipe mixtures and thus ensures
a long machine service life.