Extrusion International USA 3-2021

42 Extrusion International 3/2021 PIPE EXTRUSION Strongly Positioned with Optimal Machine Technology for the Growth Market of PVC-O Pipes PVC-O pipe extrusionsline - vacuumbath “We supply our customers with a plug & play solution immediately ready for use” is howGernot Dorn, Director Sales PVC at battenfeld-cincinnati Austria GmbH, Vienna describes in a nutshell the decisive advantage of the machine manufacturer’s cooperation with the Spanish company Molecor Tecnologia SL, based in Loeches-Madrid. Molecor is not only a processor making PVC-O pipes in a wide range of different dimensions itself, but also a machine manufacturer offering customized complete lines to produce them jointly with battenfeld-cincinnati. Customers bene fi t from this vast pool of expert knowledge and are optimally prepared tomeet the growthmarket of PVC-O pipes with the appropriate machine technology. After all, oriented PVC pipes are increasingly replacingmetal and polyole fi n pipes in the pressure pipe sector, due to their decisive advantages