Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

现在,可以使用科倍隆 ZSK 双螺杆挤出机将 PET 薄片加工成 粒子,而无需预先干燥。 PET flakes can now be processed without pre-drying into pellets using Coperion ZSK twin screw extruders. 03 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 I N THIS ISSUE 23 独特的Gneuss旋转过滤技术确保了在恒定条件下不间断的生 产过程-即使是消费后回收材料的处理。 The Gneuss Rotary Filtration Technology ensures an uninterrupt- ed production process under constant conditions – even when post-consumer recycled material is processed. 23 PIXARGUS 也在低预算领域占据了一席之地。 PIXARGUS is setting a strong foot also in the lower-budget segment. 38 SÜDPACK Verpackungen 和 ILLIG Maschinenbau在合作项目中 开发出了热成型食品包装材料,其产品经过可堆肥认证且主要基 于生物材料。 In a cooperative project, SÜDPACK Verpackungen and ILLIG Maschinenbau have developed thermoformed food packaging with components that are certified compostable and predominantly bio-based. 44 Brückner: 就接获订单量而言,过去的会计年度是 公司历史上第二成功的年度。 In terms of incoming orders, the past fiscal year was the second most successful in Brückner's history. 30 自 2013 年以来,奥地利挤出和回收技术公司 MAS 和 荷兰薄膜回收公司 Caroda 一直在薄膜回收系统的技术开发方面开 展合作。这些系统专注于具有更高 LLDPE 含量的 LDPE 工业薄膜 以及农用薄膜。 Since 2013, Austrian extrusion and recycling technology company MAS and Dutch film recycling company Caroda have been cooper- ating in the technological development of film recycling systems. 35