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片材挤出,回收 : 针对ABS 和 PS 片板材的技 术组件:熔体过滤是提高效率和回收内 容的关 键
Sheet Extrusion, Recycling: ABS and PS Sheet for Technical Components – Melt  Filtration as the Key to Increased Efficiency and Recycled Content

如今,塑料加工商对环境有责任,并始终希望优化 其生产流程,实现可持续性和能源效率。这当然从 谨慎使用资源开始:塑料。
Today, plastics processors feel a responsibility toward the environment and are always looking to optimise their production processes with regard to sus tainability and energy efficiency. This of course starts with careful use of the resource: plastic.

管材挤出– 用户报告:大口径管材挤出生产的 理想设备——减少熔垂、提高质量
Pipe Extrusion – Case Study: Ideal for Large-Diameter Pipes – Less Sagging, Better  Quality

Palad HY Industries公司(位于以色列Migdal HaEmek)董事成员 Fuad Dweik先生在评价最近安装调试的巴顿菲尔辛辛那提公  司(德国巴腾奥茵豪森)solEX NG 75-40挤出机时说:“这种新型挤出 机最突出的优点是熔融温度低,产量高。”
“The most outstanding advantages of the new extruder are low melt tem perature with high output” is how Fuad Dweik,  Managing Partner of Palad HY Industries Ltd., domiciled in Migdal HaEmek, Israel, sums up his assessment of the recently  commission ed solEX NG 75-40 from battenfeld- cincinnati.

管材挤出 :多层管生产中的创新和性能的提升
Pipe Extrusion: Innovation and Enhanced Performance in the Production of  Multilayer Pipes

在本文中,将介绍Tecnomatic公司如何持续改进 技术和产品性能,生产出具有功能层的复杂多层 管设备。
In this article will be showcased how Tecnomatic continues to improve the technology and performance for the production of complex multilayer pipes with functional layers.

分切和收卷技术 :从行业先锋到世界市场领导 者 – 100年来专注于创新
Slitting and Winding Technology: From Pioneer to World Market Leader – 100 Years  of Focus on Innovation

100年来,KAMPF(康甫)这个名字就一直以创新的 分切和卷绕技术而闻名。
Since 100 years the name KAMPF has been known for innovative slitting and winding technology.

粉碎技术 – 采访 :„数字化创造了高透明度“
Size Reduction Technology – Interview: "Digitisation Creates High Transparency"

在许多塑料加工行业中,与生产相关的造粒技术整合到注塑、挤出、吹塑和热成型生产线上的做法正在迅速发展。制粒机制 造 商Getecha响应了这一趋势。常务董事Burkhard Vogel在采 访中介绍了这些重要的进展。
In many plastics processing industry sectors, the production-related integration of granulation technology in injection moulding, extrusion, blow moulding and thermoforming lines is advancing rapidly. Getecha responded to this trend. Managing director  Burkhard Vogel explains what is important.

管材挤出 : 前所未有的对能源管道群的需求
Pipe Extrusion: Pipeline Projects – Energy Bundles In Demand More Than Ever

当它们进行工作时,您看不到它们。但是,现在出现了对能源管道 群前所未有的关注。 管线项目,铺设在地下或海床上的能 源管道 群,始终是媒体头条上的恒星。 持续增长的趋势已经出现。
You can’t see them when they’re doing their job – yet the spotlight is on them more than ever now. Pipeline projects, energy  bundles laid underground or on the seabed, yet they are the stars with a constant presence in media headlines.



Branche Intern
挤出工具 : 充分利用您的挤出模具
Getting the Most from Your Extrusion Tooling
片材挤出,回收 : 针对ABS 和 PS 片板材的技 术组件:熔体过滤是提高效率和回收内容的关 键
Sheet Extrusion, Recycling: ABS and PS Sheet for Technical Components – Melt Filtration as the Key to Increased Efficiency and Recycled Content
管材挤出– 用户报告:大口径管材挤出生产的 理想设备——减少熔垂、提高质量
Pipe Extrusion – Case Study: Ideal for Large-Diameter Pipes – Less Sagging, Better Quality
管材挤出 :多层管生产中的创新和性能的提升
Pipe Extrusion: Innovation and Enhanced Performance in the Production of Multilayer Pipes
分切和收卷技术 :从行业先锋到世界市场领导 者 – 100年来专注于创新
Slitting and Winding Technology: From Pioneer to World Market Leader – 100 Years of Focus on Innovation
加工- 访谈 :“即使在充满挑战的时期,我们也 在这里为客户服务。”
Processing – Interview: „We are here for our customers, even in challenging times.“
粉碎技术 – 采访 :„数字化创造了高透明度“
Size Reduction Technology – Interview: "Digitisation Creates High Transparency"
管材挤出 : 前所未有的对能源管道群的需求
Pipe Extrusion: Pipeline Projects – Energy Bundles In Demand More Than Ever
回收利用: PET纤维生产 – 零浪费循环得益于 改装的组件
Recycling:PET Fiber Production –Zero-Waste Cycle Thanks to Retrofitted Components
本期杂志中的公司目录 / 敬请垂询 / Firms in this issue / Imprint 42

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