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Extrusion Asia 2-2018

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马格赢得中国新建聚碳酸酯生产基地的供货合同 Supply Contract for New Chinese Polycarbonate Plant earned

美国都福(Dover) 集团旗下的瑞士马格(Maag)公司是世界领先的齿轮泵、 切粒及过滤系统制造商。

Maag announced it has finalized a contract with Hainan Huasheng New Material Technology Co. Ltd. to supply pumps, pelletizing systems and screen changers for its new polycarbonate-production facility.

挤出技术,周边设备: 塑料熔体旋转过滤器的进 一步发展 Extrusion Technologies, Periphery: Further Development of Rotary Filter for Plastic Melts

格罗斯传感器可与局部应用匹配,也可以应用到特殊要求场 合,例如Atex(欧洲防爆指令),Hart(数据公路)通讯或 EAC。

Gneuss sensors are available to match regional or application – specific requirements such as Atex, Hart Communication or EAC.

测量和控制技术: 专访瑞士Hch. Kündig & Cie. AG 公司Philipp G. Weber先生 Measuring and Control Technology: An Interview with Philipp G. Weber, Hch. Kündig & Cie. AG

瑞士Hch. Kündig & Cie. AG.公司总经理及所有者 Philipp G. Weber 先生说道:“我们的产品有三个主要目标:增加 产量,减少不良,同时必须一丝不苟地检测质量。”

“We have three main objectives with our products,” says Philipp G. Weber, Managing Director and current owner of Hch. Kündig & Cie. AG. “Production should increase; there should be fewer rejects and quality should be meticulously monitored.”

测量技术的最新信息 Latest from the Measurement Technology

在2018年德国塑料加工展览会(Fakuma)布拉本德 (Brabender)的展台上,受关注的焦点是 “全能型选手” :EC Plus塑性形变记录仪。

At the Brabender booth at Fakuma 2018 the focus was on a proven “all-rounder”, the Plastograph EC Plus.

出类拔萃的测量经验 An Excellent Measurement Experience

仲巴赫的RAYEX® S X射线测量技术应用于单层 和多层产品。

RAYEX® S – X-Ray Measurement Technology from ZUMBACH for Single and Multilayer Products

用推出新型下游设备来庆 祝四十周年纪念日 A new Downstream to celebrate its 40th Anniversary

Friul Filiere 今年庆祝了其40周年纪念日,2018德国塑料技工 展览会(FAKUMA 2018)是一个很好的机会,在庆祝40周年 纪念日的同时,展示其最新开发的技术。

This year Friul Filiere celebrated its 40th anniversary and FAKUMA 2018 was a great opportunity to celebrate its 40th anniversary showing the latest technological developments


内容/ Content 04
企业短讯/ Branche Intern 06
挤压工具: 挤压刀具的流动动力学 Extrusion Tooling: Flow Dynamics of Extrusion Tooling 26
测量和控制技术: 专访瑞士Hch. Kündig & Cie. AG 公司Philipp G. Weber先生 Measuring and Control Technology: An Interview with Philipp G. Weber, Hch. Kündig & Cie. AG 28
管材挤出: 巴西PVC管材生产商使优质、可靠加 工处理成为可能 Pipe Extrusion: High-Quality, Reliable Processing for Brazilian PVC Pipe Producer 31
挤出技术: 不只限于挤出机 Extrusionstechnology: More than just Extruders 32
中空成型: PET 瓶:提升品牌形象,获得更高产量 Blow Molding: PET for a Stronger Brand Image and Higher Production 33
测量技术: 当投资于测量装置时,“测量速率”, “求平均值”和“精确度”的意义 Measurement Technology: Meaning of “Measuring Rate”, “Averaging” and “Accuracy” when investing in a Measuring Device 35
挤出技术,周边设备: 塑料熔体旋转过滤器的进 一步发展 Extrusion Technologies, Periphery: Further Development of Rotary Filter for Plastic Melts 38
管材和型材,周边设备: Primac再次实现目标 Pipes and Profiles, Periphery: Primac once again hits the Mark 40
回收: GM串联式生产线获得越来越多的成功 Recycling: The growing Success of the GM Tandem Lines 42
混料,回收: 从原材料生产通过回收系统—挤出 —相关产品,全部由一家完成 Compounding, Recycling: From Raw Material Production through to Recycling Systems – Extrusion-related Products from a Single Source 44
外围设备: 正式推出新型三层复合中空板模具 Periphery: New Three-Layer Composite Hollow Die launched 46
本期杂志中的公司目录 / 敬请垂询 Firms in this issue / Imprint 48

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