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Smart Extrusion Directory

Name Categories Country City
AFS Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH Punching and perforating machines, Germany Horgau
BJS Engineers PVT. LTD. Punching and perforating machines, India Faridabad
LAMFI Equipment S.r.l. Punching and perforating machines, Italy Prato (PO)
Laserpin srl Punching and perforating machines, Italy Viale Europa 18/20, Cologno Monzese (MI)
R.K.Texparts Punching and perforating machines, India Bhavnagar
Stanova Stanztechnik GmbH Punching and perforating machines, Germany Berlin
tambula GmbH Punching and perforating machines, Germany Bebra
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