Extrusion 2-2021

42 kompakt Extrusion 2/2021 fordable for customers. This was achieved by overlap- ping layers in each semi-de- flector, using a single cone. The highly efficient design of the 800 Series Hybrid re- duces cost and size, as op- posed to other methods of overlapping layers. Essential benefits of the 800 Series Hybrid include elimi- nating weld lines in materi- als through patented over- lapping technology, produc- ing a more consistent finis- hed product; reduced sensi- tivity to changes in viscosity; reduced sensitivity to changes in line speed; myri- ad material and multi-layer application possibilities; works in all tubing and jak- keting applications with a wide range of materials; low residence time; compact design and a low tolerance stack-up er- ror factor, all resulting in improved con- centricity. The 800 Series Hybrid extrusion tool greatly reduces stagnation, because overlapping layers are more inherently balanced than single layers and also be- ➠ Guill Tool & Engineering www.guill.com n Guill announced the introduction of a new version of its popular 800 series, known as 800 Series Hybrid. In some ex- trusion applications that utilize cross- heads and inlines, layers of the exact same material are applied multiple times, using a single die. This method is used to reduce the propensity for errors caused by gels breaking through a thin wall, weld lines, inconsistent wall thickness, plus material and process variations. Ad- ditional errors include difficult-to-process materials and demanding applications where there is zero fault tolerance. Seeking to design the next generation multi-layer die to overcome these chal- lenges, the engineers at Guill looked for a way to incorporate this technology into an updated version of the 800 Series. This led to the creation of the 800 Series Hybrid. The inherent benefits of the 800 Series are retained, including compact design, low residence time and a com- mon deflector bore that eliminates toler- ance stack up. The challenge was to create a hybrid design that incorporates the benefits of layer overlapping, while reducing unnecessary complexity and making the technology more cost-af- New 800 Series Hybrid Extrusion Tooling announced cause each semi-deflector is “tuned to flush.” Conventional deflectors must si- multaneously achieve a balance between flushing, balancing and eliminating the weld line. There is less difference bet- ween the slowest moving material and the fastest moving material in the deflec- tor channels, thus making the viscosity more consistent in the deflector. ➠ Fabri Group www.gruppofabbri.com Automac Ultra sind die drei hochproduk- tiven Verpackungsmaschinen der neuen "Fabbri HYBRID"-Reihe, die eine perfek- te Verpackung von frischen und sehr fri- schen Produkten mit jeder Art von Stretchfolie garantieren, sowohl im neu- tralen als auch im bedruckten Format: n Dank ihrer Erfahrung in der Herstel- lung von Verpackungsmaschinen und Folien für den Lebensmittelmarkt ist die Fabbri Group stolz darauf, zum ersten Mal in der Verpackungswelt das innova- tive Konzept "HYBRID" vorzustellen. Automac Dual, Automac Industrial und Ein Wendepunkt in der Verpackungswelt PVC-basierte Folie, PE-basierte Folie, bio- basierte Folie und kompostierbare Folie. Alle von Fabri produzierten Folien zeich- nen sich durch reduzierte Dicke und ho- he Leistung aus und garantieren einen geringen Rohstoffverbrauch und eine möglichst leichte Verpackung. Große Aufmerksamkeit wird auch der effekti- ven Entsorgung der Verpackungen am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer gewidmet: Die jüngste zertifizierte kompostierbare Folie “Nature Fresh" zum Beispiel kann direkt in die häusliche Komposttonne gewor- fen werden, ohne dass Verpackungsmüll entsteht. Die neuen Maschinen wurden so konzi- piert, dass sie auch mit alternativen Folien eine Qualitätsverpackung gewährleisten.