Extrusion 2-2019

Extrusion 2/2019 ➠ MORETTO S.p.A. www.moretto.com and complete contents, the use of images and vi- deo to best present our technologies. From the Home Page, the user of Moretto website selects its field of application and directly accesses to the section of products. Developed in respon- sive mode, it can be visited on computers, tablets and smartphones, and includes different language versions, all aligned in style and content. The new Moretto website aims to be a new infor- mation platform able to respond immediately and effectively to the requests of an increasingly de- manding clientele, which is aware of the fact that investments in automation are decisive for the competitiveness and efficiency of their business. n 2019 begins with full of news for Moretto, first of all the presentation of the new website, now online and usable on all types of devices. Considering the global nature and specialization of its customers, Moretto renews his website with a communication that immediately reflects the company values. The new graphic layout and a simple, intuitive and easy to navigate interface, allows the user to enter in Moretto’s world, to more easily explore the wide range of products and services and to stay constantly informed about the company's activities, in an increasingly connected and social perspective. Therefore, a great attention to clear New Website ➠ ENTEK, www.entek.com tor of Sales for ENTEK Manufacturing, has been promoted to Vice President of Sales. Dr. Kirk Hanawalt, President of ENTEK Manufacturing, made the announcement. Since joining ENTEK, Linda has worked in a variety of positions for the company including Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, and Customer Support. She has been a key contributor to the development of ENTEK Extruder’s business selling extruders, extrusion systems, wear parts, and services. As part of the company’s leadership team she provides leader- ship and guidance in managing every aspect of ENTEK Manufacturing’s daily operations. Linda is the leader with primary responsibility for ENTEK Extruders’ customer-facing and inside sales teams and the extrusion pilot plant. n Linda Campbell (Picture), the current Direc- Vice President promoted ➠ THE SPE THERMOFORMING DIVISION http://thermoformingdivision.com September 9-11 at the in Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin. “The Board is seeking candidates who have led exemplary careers and have contributed to and nurtured the growth of the thermoforming industry,” said Juliet Goff, SPE Thermoforming Division Board Member and Recognition Com- mittee Chair. “Over the years, the Thermofor- mer of the Year Award has been presented to just 36 captains of our industry.” The 2017 Thermoformer of the Year award was received by Robert Porsche of General Plastics. As a result of the cancellation of the 2017 SPE Thermoforming Conference because of a hurri- cane, SPE did not name a 2018 honoree so that Robert Porsche could receive the award in per- son during the 2018 Conference. Guidelines for nominees and the required nomi- nation form are posted online at: http://thermoformingdivision.com/ awards-recognitions/thermoformer-of-the- year/nomination-form/ All materials must be emailed to Juliet Goff at juliet@kal-plastics.com by the March 31 dead- line . Full information at: Kunststoff- zerkleinerung ohne viel Lärm sehr ef zient einfach und sicher Unsere Lösung für Sie! www.getecha.de Getecha GmbH Am Gemeindegraben 13 63741 Aschaffenburg Tel: 06021-8400-0 Fax: 06021-8400-35 info@getecha.de