Extrusion International USA 3-2020

53 Extrusion International 3/2020 Aleko Machinery http://en.polimerexpert.ru/ Both types of dosing systems have proven themselves, but the designers keep up- grading them to meet market needs. For ex- ample, the new design of the weighing hopper makes it easy to modify the dosing system from four to six-component – unlike the analogues offered by competing companies. Material supply and extrusion control Continuing the devel- opment of the product line of dosing systems, Aleko company has ex- panded the range with extrusion control feeding system, Optionally, the system can be equipped with a raw material mixer for pre-mixing portions before feed- ing it into the screw. The described system at a low cost allows to achieve a high degree of automation and production stability where dosing of a large number of components is not required. By optimizing the work of designers, production technology and its local- ization in Russia, as well as through a careful selection of components, Aleko specialists can offer custom- ers affordable prices, but at the same time high-quality solutions for mate- rial dosing systems, which have re- ceived very positive feedback in the market. Aleko extrusion control system LQIR#SROLPHUH[SHUW UX ([WUXVLRQ FRQWURO V\VWHP SRUWLRQ GRVLQJ DFFXUDF\ XS WR DXWRPDWLF FRQWURO RI UDZ PDWHULDO VXSSO\ URWDWLRQ VSHHG RI H[WUXGHU WDNH RII SULPDU\ ZHLJKWLQJ RI HDFK FRPSRQHQW DQG IROORZLQJ ZHLJKWLQJ RI UHDG\ EDWFK EHIRUH XQORDGLQJ RI PDWHULDO *UDYLPHWULF GRVLQJ V\VWHPV 9ROXPHWULF GRVLQJ V\VWHPV ɫ RQWLQXRXV IHHGLQJ RI UDZ PDWHULDO ZLWK PXOWLSOH GHQVLW\ W\SH GRVLQJ V\VWHP FDQ EH HDVLO\ XSJUDGHG WR XS WR W\SH DXWRPDWLF FRQWURO RI UDZ PDWHULDO VXSSO\ ZZZ HQ SROLPHUH[SHUW UX ZZZ HQ SROLPHUH[SHUW UX RQH FRPSRQHQW GRVLQJ DFFXUDF\ FRQWURO V\VWHP RI VFUHZ VSHHG E\ FKDQJLQJ WKH LQWHUQDO SUHVVXUH LQ WKH EDUUHO RI H[WUXVLRQ OLQH D Q DGMXVWPHQW XQLW RI WKH WDNH XS GHYLFH E\ FRQWUROOLQJ SDUDPHWHUV RI WKH OLQHDU PHWHU which enables auto- matic adjustment of the the feeding, screw rota- tion and take up speed in automatic mode, which makes it possible to clearly set the weight per linear meter of the film and maintain it throughout the entire extrusion process. The extrusion control system is equipped with a loading hopper, which supplies the ma- terial to the weighing tank, where tension sensors record the val- ue of the weight of the supplied batch. Then the raw material is fed into the feeding zone area of the screw.