Extrusion International 5-2018

39 Extrusion International 5/2018 Want to know more? Contact us: +49 (0)79 40 10-0 www.burkert.com/extrusion Temperature control made simple Feeling the heat? Relax, we’ve got it covered. Flexible, reliable and ready-to-use, our 0RGXODU 3URFHVV &RQWURO 3ODWIRUP PDNHV SURFHVV KHDWLQJ DQG FRROLQJ LQFUHGLEO\ HijRUW- OHVV %DVHG RQ \RXU LQMHFWLRQ PROGLQJ RU H[WUXVLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV ZH FRQıJXUH D VROX- tion that’s utterly reliable: temperature-resistant up to 200°C (392 °F), no moving parts, DQG D G\QDPLF UDQJH RI %HQHıW IURP D FRPSOHWH FRQWURO ORRS PDQXIDFWXUHG E\ ljXLG H[SHUWV ş LW VDYHV \RX YDOXDEOH HQJLQHHULQJ DQG DVVHPEO\ WLPH /HDYH WHPSHUDWXUH control to us, and take it easy. 16-20 Oct. 2018 HALL A3 BOOTH 3013 follow-up inspection are possible at any time. The system is more accurate, more reproducible and more reliable than human, eye and manual light table, determines the size of contamination, and thus, contributes significantly to qual- ity control and process optimization. Furthermore, SIKORA offers systems for offline inspection and analysis based on X-ray technology that detect and analyze contamination inside of plastic materials. For online inspection and sorting of plastic material, the PURITY SCANNER ADVANCED is perfectly suited. The sys- tem combines X-ray with optical technology and detects contamination inside plastic pellets as well as on their sur- face. Perfection in detection provides the adaptive camera concept, where up to three optical cameras are used, de- pending on the expected contamination and application. For example, an X-ray camera detects metallic contamina- tion inside pellets, optical cameras identify yellow discol- orations as well as “black specks” inside transparent and opaque pellets, whereas color deviations are detected by color cameras. Contaminated pellets are sorted out auto- matically. The interaction of online and offline inspection, sorting and analysis enables, for example, complete 100% quality control as well as sample testing of the material cleanliness and the establishment of a database in order to improve processes and to avoid further contamination. For 100 % quality control during the extrusion of pipes, SIKORApresents theCENTERWAVE 6000.Millimeterwaves technology precisely measures the diameter, ovality, wall thickness and the sagging of the product. The measuring principle does not require any coupling media, is not influ- enced by temperature or the plastic material andmeasures precisely without the need of any calibration. A presetting of the product parameters is not required. Easy operation and precision lead to the highest quality of the final prod- uct as well as cost savings and optimal efficiency. The X-RAY 6000 PRO is a further highlight for measuring the wall thickness, eccentricity, the inner and outer diam- eter and the ovality of hoses and tubes. Hereby, the thick- ness of up to three different material layers is measured. Furthermore, SIKORA presents diameter measuring sys- tems of the LASER Series 2000 as well as LASER Series 6000, which also offer lump detection in addition to diameter measurement. SIKORA’s presentation in Friedrichshafen is completed by reliable lump detectors that detect irregu- larities on the product surface. SIKORA AG www.sikora.net Hall A6, Booth 6110