Extrusion International 2-2018

47 Extrusion International 2/2018 AMUT GROUP www.amutgroup.com Booth W4451 AMUT GROUP will participate in the up- coming NPE Show presenting the reno- vated Division AMUT DOLCI EXTRUSION, after the full merger of the company DOL- CI BIELLONI in Janu- ary. The Division is dedi- cated to flexible pack- aging field, manufac- turing plants for the production of stretch film (both cast and blown technology) and CPP film rolls. Also Converting lines for different applications are supplied. The AMUT deep experience in the extrusion ma- chinery has contributed to develop a customized technology, offering in-house engineering for these projects. Compact design, high speed in winding and en- ergy saving are the focus points that can make a difference. AMUT DOLCI EXTRUSION has already had a flying start mainly with the finalisation of several contracts for stretch film lines. AMUT GROUP specialists will welcome you offer- ing assistance also in the other divisions: Ther- moforming machines (in-line and off-line solu- tions), Extrusion lines for rigid products (such as sheets, membranes, profiles, pipes) and Recy- cling – washing plants for PET and PE post-con- sumer items. Cast Lines for stretch film In line thermoforming plant Flexible Packaging and more