Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

07 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ Maag Group www.maag.com K 2019: Hall 9, Booth A04 9号展厅,A04展位 alignment of its branding and corporate strategy will further strengthen the com- pany's position as a broadly diversified global solutions provider with integrated and customizable system solutions. Maag’s process technologies for the po- lymer, chemical, petrochemical, pharma- ceutical and food industries help cus- tomers achieve the next level of produc- tivity. Maag Group is bundling the activi- ties of the companies it has acquired in recent years into four centers of excel- lence: Pump & Filtration Systems, Pelle- tizing Systems, Pulverizing Systems, and Recycling Systems. All of the companies will in the future be managed as product brands – AUTOMATIK, ETTLINGER, GALA, MAAG, REDUCTION, and SCHEER – under the MAAG Group um- brella brand. “The focused market orientation, with our products and services spread across four centers of excellence, will play a major role in the MAAG Group’s further international growth in the coming years. Our aim with the new umbrella brand strategy is to strengthen our iden- tity on the market. The established prod- uct brands enjoy great trust and confid- ence among their customers, and will re- main specialists in their respective mar- ket segments, yet work close together when integrated systems solutions are required” says Group president Ueli Thuerig. “We expect the integration of all our product brands under the umbrel- la of the MAAG Group to provide us with a further boost to innovation in cut- ting-edge technology, even higher standards in our worldwide after-sales service, and even better solutions to meet demanding customer requirements in the production, processing and recy- cling of polymers. As the MAAG Group, we aim to be available for our customers at all times, all over the world, deploying the extensive know-how of our more than 1,000 employees at our 20 loca- tions.” The rebranding clearly expresses that we will act as one team to the benefit of our customers. The consolidated branding will underpin the further integration of the Pump, Filtration, Underwater Pelle- tizing, Strand Pelletizing, Drying, Pulver- izing and Recycling divisions, which are already working together successfully on many development and service projects to deliver solutions for their customers. The new brand and business strategy will be presented for the first time at K 2019. The MAAG Group is the visually identifi- able umbrella brand; with the product brands each distinctively echoing it. The claim “NEXT-LEVEL SOLUTIONS” embodies the MAAG Group’s core per- formance promise, extending across all areas of the business. It is about generat- ing maximum added value based on an understanding of customers’ aims and processes. It relates to the development of high-quality, high-performance solu- tions by international interdisciplinary development teams within the MAAG Group. It focuses on value for money in delivering sustainable and durable pro- ducts, plants and systems. It encompas- ses a global service network ensuring that customers can run their machines successfully. It also reflects the develop- ment of advanced solutions for the circu- lar economy for polymers, and future sustainability of the production and pro- cessing of modern plastics as an innova- tive material for a wide range of applica- tions. The MAAG Group booth at K 2019 will be presenting innovations from the Pump & Filtration Systems, Pelletizing Systems, Pulverizing Systems and Recy- cling Systems centers of excellence. A complete downstream system for recy- cling will demonstrate how solutions for a circular economy can be implemented by the MAAG Group as an integrated so- lution provider from a single source. 添加到聚合物中。这种稳定剂能够使薄 膜耐受强烈的阳光以及由塑料薄膜与大 棚的金属框架接触点所产生的热量。要 不然,几个星期后塑料薄膜就将变得脆 弱而碎裂。 Tinuvin NOR 371添加剂 通过防止 塑料大棚膜在紫外线、热应力以及氧化 作用下老化,让塑料大棚膜具有耐用 性。耐用的薄膜可以使用若干个季度, 农民可以覆盖大棚从而适合于生长用于 出口市场的菊花、玫瑰和草莓,这样, 投资于有利可图的农作物的效益有了增 加,同时节约了资源,并且并减少了废 料。 n 巴斯夫和Tân Hùng Cơ母料制造公 司正在致力于通过更为耐用的塑料薄膜 添加剂母料生产塑料大棚膜,帮助农民 增加他们的投资效益,并且节约资源。 Tân Hùng Cơ 位于越南,是一家塑 料薄膜添加剂母料行业领先的制造商, 现在使用巴斯夫塑料添加剂Tinuvin ® NOR™ 371以提高用低密度聚乙烯为原 料的塑料大棚膜的耐用年限和预期使用 寿命。采用Tinuvin ® NOR™ 371添加 剂,塑料大棚膜至少可以承受三到四年 的风化。 为了获得更好的塑料大棚膜技术, 在生产塑料大棚膜时,需要将光稳定剂 用于塑料大棚膜的光稳定剂 此外,Tinuvin NOR 371添加剂有 助于保证塑料温室薄膜可应用于各种各 样的生长条件。尽管硫磺化合物作为农 业产品预防和对抗真菌的危害是安全和 可靠的,是被认可的,但从化学角度来 看,这将使光稳定剂失效并加速了其分 解。 为了避免这种光稳定剂失效的现 象,具有巴斯夫的NOR技术的光稳定剂 特别添加了耐硫磺以及耐其它农用化学 品的成分。因此,Tinuvin NOR 371添 加剂提供的稳定性,使农民可以在若干 个成长季节里有效益地生产。