Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2023

Go Rewise为注重环境和质量的品牌提供食品级rPET Go Rewise supplies the food-grade rPET to environment- conscious and quality-focused brands 65 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2023 PET 165 HC iV+瓶到瓶回收系统具有SSP(固态缩聚)反应 器,用于生产食品级洁净的rPET颗粒。2022年6月底,欧洲食 品安全局对该工艺发表了积极的意见。该生产线已于2022年7 月开始生产,每小时的回收PET颗粒产量高达1800公斤。这 些食品安全级rPET供应给注重环境保护和质量的品牌商,这 些品牌商在其品牌包装中使用它。 Khandelwal描述了公司在食品级应用方面面临的特殊挑 战:“原料质量变化很大,尤其是在印度。废料含有各种杂 质,进入工厂的每一批原材料都是不同的。我们花了30年时 间来理解和掌握处理此类废料的艺术。凭借世界上最好的回收 技术,我们现在可以达到食品级应用所需的质量。” 随着新的PET瓶到瓶回收工厂的建成,Go Rewise跻身于 印度首批回收PET品牌之列,为当地和国际包装市场提供更多 食品级rPET。 据Khandelwal称,品牌所有者的高度接受度是Ganesha 选择史太林格技术的原因之一。他表示:“史太林格的PET回 收技术已经收到美国FDA的多封不反对函,以及欧洲EFSA对 食品级应用的积极意见,并且已经在品牌所有者中广为人知。 史太林格经过验证的质量、设备可靠性和技术标准,以及在提 供最佳质量输出的同时有效的资源利用都是额外的亮点。” 史太林格回收技术商业主管Paul Niedl说道:“Ganesha Ecosphere在PET回收方面有着非凡的历史,该公司的创始人 Shyam Sunder Sharmma认识到,PET瓶在相当早期的阶段就 具有巨大的潜力,可以作为二次资源使用,这使该公司成为瓶 到纤维和现在瓶到瓶应用的先驱。我们很自豪地支持Ganesha Ecosphere在印度减少塑料废料和建立PET瓶废料闭环系统, 印度在全球这一领域潜力巨大。” PET回收的先驱企业 Ganesha Ecosphere回顾了30年PET回收业务的经验, 可以被视为可持续商业活动的榜样。 该公司成立于1987年,最初是一家纱线加工厂。1994 年,该公司是印度首批开始对PET废料进行再加工,以生产再 生聚酯短纤维(RPSF)和再生聚酯纺纱(RPSY)的公司之 一。 截至今日,该集团已在全国各地建立了一个由300多家废 品供应商组成的大型网络,并在印度运营了四家工厂,其中两 家位于北方邦,一家位于乌塔拉坎德,另一家最近在特兰加纳 开业。最近,该公司还在尼泊尔开设了印度境外的第一家工 厂。 该公司拥有500多个客户,出口到18多个国家,是印度最 大的rPET生产商之一,年产量为13万吨,目前回收的PET废 料约占印度总PET废料的16-18%。 T he company has installed two Starlinger PET recycling lines in its facility in Warangal, Telangana state. Ganesha Ecopet plans to supply the produced rPET granulates under its newly in- troduced brand enterprise Go Rewise. Launched under the um- brella of one of India’s rPET industry leaders, Go Rewise is committed to supplying highest quality rPET products that are produced in a resource-efficient process. rPET for fibre applications The first Starlinger recycling line, a recoSTAR PET 165 H-VAC, processes washed PET bottle flakes for the Go Rewise polyester filament yarn applications and reaches an output of approx. 14,000 tons per year. When using recycled PET for filament yarn production, it must meet highest quality standards. Thus, all for- eign particles and polymers have to be removed before the ex- trusion process. To achieve optimum melt purity for extrusion, Starlinger has developed a special candle filter for fibre applica- tions, called Rapid Sleeve Changer (RSC). It ensures finest melt filtration down to 15 µm and achieves a throughput of up to 2000 kg per hour. The filter elements can be changed without interrupting production, which significantly reduces melt loss and machine downtime. Going food-grade With the second Starlinger recycling line, Ganesha is producing food-grade rPET resins. “Through venturing into bottle-to-bottle recycling we want to close the loop and move from secondary recycling into primary recycling”, said Prashant Khandelwal, Se- nior Vice President of Go Revise. “Bottle-to-bottle recycling re- duces the need for virgin plastic and thus substantially decreases the plastic burden on the planet. It also uses approximately 80 % less resources – water, energy, et cetera – for producing a new bottle than it is the case with virgin resin. Earlier, brand owners used to be apprehensive about including rPET in their packaging product, but with the emergence of new technolo- gies and strict regulations by governments the demand for rPET is increasing very fast.” The Starlinger recoSTAR PET 165 HC iV+ bottle-to-bottle recy- cling system installed at Ganesha’s Go Rewise facility features an SSP (solid state polycondensation) reactor for food-grade de- contamination of the produced rPET pellets. A positive EFSA opinion for the process has been issued end of June 2022. The