Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

The KF range of continuous filtration systems is designed speci- fically for applications with frequent material type, grade or co- lor changes as well as for high pressure applications like blown film. The KF screen changers are especially compact and offer excellent value for money while permitting simple and quick screen changes on the fly. Gneuss Measurement Technology products As a machinery manufacturer, Gneuss has the manufacturing capabilities to realize even unusual sensor requirements. The lean manufacturing structure at Gneuss makes this possible with shortest delivery times. Gneuss sensors are available to match regional or application – specific requirements such as Atex, Hart Communication or EAC In especially difficult process conditions with short pressure overloads, frequent pressure spikes as well as unmelts in the material, sensors are highly stressed. Gneuss builds a special heavy-duty design with a special membrane technology for these applications. Also, Gneuss offers a special transducer for food applications, where regular cleaning of the machinery is necessary, so that sensors are often subject to steam or water jets. Gneuss has de- veloped a special type of sensor for these applications, which remains waterproof even if its plug is removed. Gneuss at the CHINAPLAS: Hall 2, Booth 2J31 中国国际橡塑展:展馆2 展台号2J31 Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH Moenichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany www.gneuss.com 38 2018中国国际橡塑展 – Chinaplas 2018 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 来自德国的考特斯机械制造(Kautex Maschinenbau)将于4月24日至27日参加在上海 国家会展中心举办的2018国际橡塑展。这家世界 领先的挤出吹塑成型设备制造商将会以更大的 展 位来迎接近年越来越多的观众。然而今年展出的 KCC10 MK3中空成型机凭借其出色的紧凑设计, 只需占据不多的场地空间。届时,这台新一代的 KCC机器将在现场演示1000毫升带发泡中间层的 三层塑料瓶生产。 即将完成机器换代升级: 2016年考特斯开始逐步在中 国广东的顺德工厂推出第三代KCC系列设备,KCC20 MK3成 为KCC系列第三代中空成型机的首款机型。随着型号的不断 扩展与机器的优化完善,现在换代升级即将完成。为与展会 口号(为高生产性能设定基准)保 持一致,新型KCC MK3机 器不仅操作更便捷,产品切换速度更快,而且交货时间也更 短。全面的功能配置意味着KCC MK3系列机器可广泛应用于 包装、汽车和特殊制品领域。 现场演示发泡生产: KCC10 MK3可用于生产尺寸从50 毫升到5,000毫升的瓶子。在今年国际橡塑展上,考特斯将现 场演示使用MuCell®Extrusion微发泡技术生产中空 塑料瓶的 过程。中间层的发泡大大减少了所需材料的用量。随着碳排 放量的降低的和保温隔热性能的提高,生产方法也更加环 保。发泡工艺可用于考特斯所有连续挤 出的包装机器。 加大研发投入力度 : 顺德考特斯的研发中心即将开放, 参展机下一步将用于研发中心进行新应用的开发与拓展。在 不久的将来,中国的客户就能同样享受到德国波恩总部的考 特斯服务。持续不断改进服务是考特斯在全球范围内的首要 任务之一。除德国波恩总部外,位于美国新泽西州和广东顺 德的分公司也将提供样品和材料测试。 新一代虚拟机亮相 : 今年考特斯将展示KBS油箱吹塑成 型虚拟机。虚拟机是考特斯为客户提供零风险高效培训的重 要工具,能够实时模拟各种型号机器和应用案例的生产过 程。硬件由 一个紧凑的工作站、两个显示器、一个投影仪和 一个真正的机器控制面板。模块化设计能够实现从一个机器 系列到另一个机器系列的无缝转换。除KBS和KBB全 电动机 外,最近新增KCC机器系列可供培训。 挤出吹塑机 Extrusion Blow Molding Machines Kautex Maschinenbau will be participating in Chinaplas 2018 at the trade show’s new venue in Shanghai. With a larger stand area, the manu- facturer of extrusion blow molding machines is responding to the increasing visitor attendance of recent years. The company will not, however, be needing much space to present its compact KCC10 MK3, which will be used to demonstrate the production of three-layer 1,000 ml bottles with a foamed middle layer.