Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

31 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 lutions, industrial softwares and automa- tion technologies. The system provides a simple user-friend- ly program for the networking of extrusi- ons pipes lines. Via the machine’s EPC (Extrusion Process Control) system, seve- ral machines and peripherals are connec- ted and linked together to be operated via a uniform user interface, which en- ables interaction between the individual appliances. In this way, the entire manu- facturing process, including material Tecnomatic S.r.l. Via Emilia, 4, 24052 Azzano S. Paolo, (Bergamo) Italy www.tecnomaticsrl.net feeding, temperature control, syncroni- sation is coordinated and tracked. Another important point is having all pa- rameters centrally recorded and monito- red. The system allows, not only to carry out energy monitoring, but to convert numbers and data into valuable informa- tion on the processes within the line. This enables optimal analysis of a line's performance. From the relevant key per- formance indicators for shift supervisors up to the clear presentation of the line performance for the management. Perfectly in line with the concept of “smart factory” of the Industry 4.0, all data, including preventive maintenance and service parameters or alarms can be monitored via internet or intranet, to Pc, servers or to mobile devices. 位于巴伐利亚拜恩的Inoutic公司是Belgian Deceuninck集团的德国子公司,刚刚向其长 期设备供应商巴顿菲尔辛辛那提公司订购了一 套共挤设备。在短短一年内,该型材生产商已 经第三次决定升级并扩展现有单挤出生产线, 将其改造成共挤生产线,从而更好地响应当前 的市场需求。 Inoutic, a German subsidiary of the Belgian Deceuninck group, has just ordered a co-extru- sion solution from its long-standing machine supplier battenfeld-cincinnati. Within only one year, the profile manufacturer has decided for the third time to upgrade and extend an existing mono-extrusion line and to transform it into a co-extrusion line, for optimal response to current market demand. 型材挤出 : 升级设备开拓新市场 Profile Extrusion: Upgrade opens up New Markets Inoutic公司拜恩工厂带全新背驮式共挤机的共挤出生产线 (图片来自© Inoutic) The co-extrusion lines with the new co-extruders in piggyback configuration at the Inoutic plant in Bogen/Germany (Photo: © Inoutic) Inoutic公司是欧洲门窗和卷帘节能 型材系统的领先制造商之一。其产品系 列还包括平台系统以及由Twinson木塑 复合材料和PVC制成的建筑外墙和屋顶 覆盖。由于现有资源的可持续管理是公 司的重中之重,因此其生产的型材不仅 可以回收利用,而且越来越多地使用再 生PVC制造型材。共挤型材是将现代高 质量表面与回收材料芯材相结合的理想 方法,从而制成具有可持续发展性的产 品。 数年来,这家总部位于拜恩的公司 一直使用德国-奥地利设备制造商,巴 顿菲尔辛辛那提公司的型材生产线。这 些生产线主要是采用配有坚固平行双螺 杆挤出机的单一物料挤出生产线。为了 在产品系列中增加共挤产品,现有生产 线中的三条通过添加conEX系列的63 mm共挤挤出机进行了扩展。现有单挤 出生产线中的螺杆结构也针对共挤出进 行了优化,将其调整到所需的较低生产 速度。 考虑到可用的空间有限,共挤挤出 机以背驮式配置安装在主挤出机上。共 挤挤出机用线性导轨固定在地板上,使 其可以轻松地前后移动。这样就可使加 工厂商拥有极高的灵活性,便于对主挤